Licensed Agents
tss visa 482 skilled worker

Need Skilled Foreign Workers?

The TSS Visa 482 allows skilled workers to come to Australia and work for an approved business for two and four years under short or medium term streams. They must be must be ”nominated” by a business that holds approval for “Standard Business Sporsorship”.

A business can sponsor foreign workers for this visa if they cannot find an Australian citizen or permanent resident to do the skilled work.

The prospective employee can be in or outside Australia when a nomination and visa applicationis made. The program is open to Australian businesses and foreign businesses undertaking businessiness activity in Australia.


  • Be nominated for a skilled position by an approved sponsor.
  • Meet any English language requirements (if applicable).
  • Have the right qualifications, skills and experience to do the job
training visa

What is Standard Business Sponsorship (SBS) under the TSS Visa 482 

SBS is a process that regulates the suitalibility of Australian and Foreign businesses undertaking work in Australia to be evaluated and approved to sponsor/nominate skilled foreign workers to fill positions after undertaking “Labour Mareket Testing” to demonstrates the shortage of local skilled workers to fill  available positions.

The program consists of Short-term stream for up to 2 years and in Medium-term stream for up to 4 years. The labour agreement stream stay is dependent on the approved term under a labour agreement.


Eligible skilled occupations are listed Short-term Skiiled Occupation List (STSOL)


Eligible skilled occupations are listed on the Midium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL)


Eligible skilled occupations on STSOL and MLTSSL listed on the Priority Migration Skilled Occuparion List (PMSOL) are given the highest priority attention in processing.

SBS – Eligibility

To become an approved SBS sponsor under the 482 TSS Visa program a business must meet a number of general requirements. These include:
• being a lawfully operating business
• having no relevant adverse information against your business
• demonstrate that your business is both:
– legally established and
– currently operating, irrespective of whether the business operation is inside or outside Australia.

Summary: Approved Standard Business Sponsorship  

To obtain approved SBS status under the TSS visa program a business must submit a complying SBS application with necessary supporting documentation.

With credentials in Legal, Industrial Relations (IR) and  Human Resource (HR), and extensive Business experience LICENSED AGENTS can represent and support a business more effectively to both submit a complying application and in the recruitment process, ensuring compliance with Migration and Employment Laws.

The TSS program is strictly enforced and requires both employers and employees to be compliant. With lawful and effectivve guidance an approved employer can confidently rely on LICENSED AGENTS to gain access to skilled employees.

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